Renaissance Havanese BreederMy name is Veronica and I am the owner of Renaissance Havanese. I have owned and raised Havanese dogs since 2000. The Havanese dog had brought such delight to our family and I became very passionate about pursuing a way to promote this rare breed.

Twenty years ago, Havanese breeders were scarce in New England.  It was amazing that many people had never heard of this marvelous breed of dog. What they were missing!

There was something about animals that has captivated me since childhood. My first job was volunteering at what is now known as the Animal Embassy at the Connecticut Science Center, where I worked in the infirmary caring for orphaned wildlife. It was a wonderful adventure which reinforced my desire to assist animals. Additionally, I spent numerous years working at Veterinary hospitals with doctors who nurtured my curiosity about animals and I learned so much from being in the hospital environment. However, I found it profoundly sad to witness animals and owners in distress, and this prevented me from pursuing a career in Veterinary medicine.

After several years of marriage to my very sweet and patient husband, I left a career in Public Safety telecommunications, to raise our  family. It was during this season, with my enthusiastic young daughters in tow, that I began to show Havanese on the Rarities Circuit with help from some of  the best mentors in the companion and toy breed world.  I was  hooked and committed to being part of the “Renaissance” of the Havanese breed, eventually, developing my own Havanese breeding program.

Renaissance Havanese was destined to be different from its inception. My goal is to give families an experience that our own family would appreciate if we were acquiring a new puppy from a breeder. I know that choosing a breeder can be daunting. It is essential to choose someone who is ethical, qualified, committed, compassionate and honest, and that continues to be the manner in which I conduct my business.

Our strict selection process has allowed us to choose only the finest, most qualified Havanese breeding pairs. Our sires and dams must meet the breed standard, pass extensive health testing and have a non-aggressive, well-balanced personality. There is a delicate science to proper breeding. I have a vested  interest in genetics, my studies have a direct impact in my breeding choices and selections.

I use a holistic approach to rearing and choose natural, non-toxic alternatives whenever possible. We feed our dogs and puppies a holistic diet. Our vaccination program is based on the latest vaccination protocols.

I am grateful to my mentors and friends, whom unselfishly provided me with knowledge and advice over the years. Like Lynn Baron, of Renaissance Coton Du Tulear, here in Connecticut, and Bridgitte Jespersen of Denmark.


Veronica & Family